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Use of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms can save space and simplify text, but they must be used correctly to avoid confusion. They should be introduced clearly and used consistently throughout the document.

Introducing Abbreviations and Acronyms:

  • Spell out terms on first use: The first time an abbreviation or acronym is mentioned, spell out the full term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Example: “Content Management System (CMS).”
  • Use the abbreviation or acronym thereafter: Once introduced, use the acronym or abbreviation consistently throughout the rest of the document. Example: “The CMS should be updated regularly.”

Common Abbreviations:

  • Use commonly recognised abbreviations: Only use abbreviations that are widely understood by the intended audience. Example: “e.g.” for “for example,” and “i.e.” for “that is.”
  • Avoid unnecessary abbreviations: Do not abbreviate terms that are not widely known or could lead to confusion. Example: Instead of “TPS” for “transactions per second,” use the full term if it is not a common abbreviation in the context.

Pluralising Abbreviations and Acronyms:

  • Avoid apostrophes when pluralising: To form the plural of an abbreviation or acronym, simply add an “s” without an apostrophe. Example: “PCs,” not “PC’s.”


  • Introduce acronyms and abbreviations on first use: Example: “The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is essential for web communication.”
  • Use commonly accepted abbreviations: Example: “etc.” or “e.g.”


  • Don’t use acronyms without defining them first: This can confuse readers who are not familiar with the terminology.
  • Avoid apostrophes when pluralising