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Punctuation and Spacing

Correct punctuation and spacing are essential for clarity, comprehension, and the professional presentation of technical documents. Misplaced or missing punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence or make it difficult to read.

Full Stops (Periods) and Commas:

  • Use full stops to end complete sentences: Every sentence must end with a full stop unless it ends with another appropriate punctuation mark (e.g., a question mark).
  • Use commas to separate items in a list or clauses: Commas help to clarify the meaning of a sentence by separating different ideas. Example: “The software is fast, reliable, and user-friendly.”
  • Avoid comma splices: Do not use commas to join two independent clauses. Instead, use a conjunction or split them into separate sentences. Example: “The test failed, and the results were inconclusive,” not “The test failed, the results were inconclusive.”

Colons and Semicolons:

  • Use colons to introduce lists or explanations: A colon can introduce a list or provide further explanation of a preceding statement. Example: “The installation requires three steps: download, install, and configure.”
  • Use semicolons to link closely related independent clauses: When two independent clauses are closely related, a semicolon can replace a conjunction. Example: “The code was reviewed; no errors were found.”

Hyphens, En Dashes, and Em Dashes:

  • Use hyphens to connect compound words: Use a hyphen to join words that function together as a single concept, especially adjectives. Example: “real-time processing.”
  • Use en dashes for ranges and relationships: En dashes (–) are used to indicate ranges or relationships. Example: “The meeting is scheduled from 10:00–12:00.”
  • Use em dashes for interruptions or emphasis: Em dashes (—) can indicate a pause or provide emphasis. Example: “The results were unexpected—completely contrary to our hypothesis.”


  • Use a single space after full stops: Modern standards favour a single space after a full stop, not two.
  • Ensure consistent spacing around punctuation: Maintain uniform spacing, particularly around punctuation marks such as brackets or quotation marks.


  • Use full stops to clearly end sentences: Example: “Restart the server after updates.”
  • Use colons to introduce lists: Example: “You will need: a screwdriver, a hammer, and nails.”


  • Don’t use double spaces after full stops: This practice is outdated and can lead to formatting inconsistencies.