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Dive into the tech world with our insightful blogs and guide on various technologies, technical writing, and open-source.

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Hacktoberfest 2023 Guide

Hacktoberfest is an annual celebration of open source. This event encourages people from all over the world to contribute to open-source projects. It runs throughout October, making it the perfect

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Understanding Open Source Software Licenses

Open-source software licenses govern the use and distribution of open-source software. There might be a question in your mind: if open source is free, why do we need licenses?

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Search Engine Optimization in Technical Writing

Imagine pouring your heart and soul into creating an incredible piece of content. You’ve spent hours researching, writing, and editing until you finally had a masterpiece that you were proud

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Getting Started with UX Writing

UX writing stands for “User Experience writing”. It’s all about the words and phrases that you see when you use websites, apps, or any digital products.

Style Guides in Technical Writing  

Technical writing requires precision, clarity, and adherence to specific guidelines. Technical writers play an essential role as the bridge between complex information and its audience in various industries. One essential

Beginner’s Guide to Copywriting

Copywriting is not only about writing words but crafting them in a way that grabs attention, stirs emotions, and convinces readers or viewers to do something like buying a product,

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